Braces-Friendly Foods and Snacks you can Enjoy this Fall!

Braces-Friendly Foods and Snacks you can Enjoy this Fall!

Posted by Lawless Orthodontics Apr 18, 2023

This is a thumbnail image of blog Braces-Friendly Foods and Snacks you can Enjoy this Fall!

Looking for a sweet or salty snack but not sure how it will affect your braces? No problem! You can still enjoy some of your favorite snacks, even with braces!

For snack cravings, here is a list of braces-friendly (and not-so-friendly) treats:

Patients with braces

Munch on these:

  • Breads—pancakes, soft tortillas, nut-free muffins
  • Dairy—pudding, soft cheeses, yogurt
  • Fruit—applesauce, bananas, raspberries
  • Hummus, bean dip
  • Meats/poultry—meatballs, lunch meats, soft-cooked chicken
  • Seafood—tuna, salmon, crab cakes
  • Sweets—milkshakes, frozen yogurt, smoothies
  • Veggies—soften any vegetable by steaming or boiling

Take a break from these:

  • Chewy or sticky foods—gum, bagels, gummies, caramels
  • Crunchy snacks—ice, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chips
  • Hard snacks—nuts, candies, lollipops
  • Foods you bite into—apples, carrots, corn on the cob

Foods like apples, sandwiches, pizza, burgers, and corn on the cob can all be eaten if they are cut up first.

As for beverages, water and milk are always best! Try to avoid:

  • Tea, coffee, red wine. They can stain teeth.
  • Drinks with high sugar content such as diet soda, sports drinks, energy beverages, fruit juices and punches. They contain acids or sugars that break down tooth enamel and can cause cavities.

Always brush or rinse your mouth with water if you do gulp anything besides milk and water.

Patients with aligners

With aligners comes flexibility. Nothing is off limits, but a healthy diet is always best. Just take your aligners out before you eat, and clean your teeth thoroughly before putting your aligners back in.

Water is the only beverage you should drink when your aligners are in. Remove them if you want to quench your thirst with something else like coffee, soda, or a sports drink. Be sure to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in.

All these things will help you prevent broken brackets, attachments, or appliances. Lastly, always be sure to maintain your regular 6-month dental checkups and cleanings.

We can’t wait to see you at your next appointment!

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